Online high school

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Academy Study Plan+

Designed by online learning experts, our study plan inspires curiosity and helps students become resilient apprentices, capable of prospering in a changing world.Our online programs, which begin in the kindergarten and end high school, adapt to the unique interests, goals and skills of each student.

21st century learning 

Education designed for all types of students

Our courses are designed to help students grow not only academically, but also socially and emotionally.Explore a sample lesson to obtain an internal vision of how your student could be at academy+

See example classes
A personalized approach to learning 

Empowering students to choose their own way 

There are no two students who learn in the same way.In academy+, we not only accept that fact, we accept it.Our online model gives us the flexibility of adapting individual learning plans to the needs and strengths of each student, allowing them to learn how they learn better.We work in collaboration with the parents, who act as learning advisors of their students, to ensure that we are aligned with the best curricular approach. 

  1. Review of the background and the academic history of the students: teachers, learning coaches and students discuss strengths, skills and previous performance to inform the educational trip of each student.
  2. Performance evaluation in the test: Students are evaluated in mathematics, reading and English arts to help measure progress and establish learning goals.
  3. Establish goals : teachers and The learning instructors they work together as a team to establish goals for the academic and personal growth of the student.

Master English to make your way comfortably in the labor market.

Each student has an access license to the Pearson English Portal platform.

Pearson He is 175 years in the publishing market innovating and developing educational options that support the experience in the middle.


Maximize its potentialities

Our curriculum is created by specialists, tailored to young people of the new generations, digital natives.

First grade
Civic and ethical formation
Video game program
Digital art
Second grade
Civic and ethical formation
3D animation
Digital art
Third degree
Civic and ethical formation
3D animation

Our students have changed radically.Today's students are no longer the type of people for whom our educational system was designed.

Extracurricular subjects

An incredible catalog of courses and extracurricular activities 

In the afternoon, enjoy, have fun and learn with a wide range of activities at your disposal.

Body painting

Connect with paintings and colors.It develops and stimulates the creativity of children through this wonderful art.


Prepare delicious dishes with fun recipes, safe for children, explained step by step.


It consists of guided games where participants assume different roles to promote thought and integration.


Learn to recognize and manipulate the basic forms that allow to easily and simply understand the components of an object.


Do you like music? Learn to mix fun, discover different techniques and record your own sets.


Practicing guitar has great benefits for children.Exercise your memory, improve your behavior and increase self -esteem.

Digital design

Initiate in the world of graphic design learning to use vector -layout programs and pixels management.


Learn about magic and stage techniques.Discover manipulation, cartomagia, mentalism, close up, etc.p>


It provides physical and emotional benefits.Develop concentration, patience and perseverance.


Know the different instruments that form this family, how to use them and discover different rhythms.


It develops logical thinking through programming structures, enhances critical thinking and leadership skills.

Many more!

Discover many other extracurricular subjects and courses to see live.

Meeting point

Promote your social links and skills

The Patio del Rereo is a virtual space designed to promote students' social skills.

Students can enter and participate voluntarily and interact with children of all grades, as in a face -to -face class school.

Virtual excursions

Live the story from the place of the facts, but in comfort and safety of your home.

He undertakes a virtual tour of the most prominent places on our planet in charge of a certified guide and ask him questions live and direct.

Discover what wonders and secrets hides the Roman coliseum, dazzle with the works of art of the Vatican or travel the streets of the old city of Jerusalem among many other places more!

Live broadcasts

Certified guides

An educational custom high quality experience

The education of the future, today.

academy+ It is a 100% online primary school and secondary for Mexico and Latin America with certificates from the United States, notarized for revalidation before the SEP.

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