
Designed specifically for online learning, our curriculum helps students to develop a passion for life to learn and prosper. 

See what is possible

Academy + Study Plan

Designed by online learning experts, our curiosity curiosity plan and helps students become resilient apprentices, capable of prospering in a changing world.Our online programs, which begin in the kindergarten and end high school, adapt to the unique interests, goals and skills of each student.

21st century learning 

Education designed for all types of students

Our courses are designed to help students grow not only academically, but also socially and emotionally.Explore a sample lesson to obtain an internal vision of how your student's life could be in Academy +

A personalized approach to learning 

Empowering students to choose their own way 

There are no two students who learn in the same way.In academy+, we not only accept that fact, we accept it.Our online model gives us the flexibility of adapting individual learning plans to the needs and strengths of each student, allowing them to learn how they learn better.We work in collaboration with the parents, who act as learning advisors of their students, to ensure that we are aligned with the best curricular approach. 

  1. Review of the background and the academic history of the students: teachers, learning coaches and students discuss strengths, skills and previous performance to inform the educational trip of each student.
  2. Performance evaluation in the test: students are evaluated in mathematics, reading and English / arts of language to help measure progress and establish learning goals.
  3. Set goals:the teachers and learning instructors  work together as a team to establish goals for the academic and personal growth of the student.