Accredited Online school

academy+  is ready to help your child develop the skills you need for a brilliant future while completing all the educational requirements of the State.

The importance of accreditation 

Find a quality educational experience 

When it comes to choosing the right school for your student, there are many factors that you should consider: academic excellence, comprehensive support and flexibility are just some.Another essential factor should be accreditation.

Being able to achieve and maintain adequate accreditation ensures that a school is providing quality education that can be corresponded to other schools.Accreditation also validates the value of our education for other accredited educational institutions. 

Get the details about Academy+

Our accreditation 

Code CDS: 30 66464 6134720

The 14 -digit CDS code is the official and unique identification of a school within California.The first two digits identify the county, the next five digits identify the school district and the last seven digits identify the school.

A CDS code is a unique number assigned to a school and used by the CDE for directory and monitoring purposes in relation to financing, evaluation, accountability, subsidies requests and the presentation of data reports.

West River Academy is accredited by the National Association for the Legal Support of Alternative Schools ( nalsas for its acronym in English) and is registered in the board of schools in California.

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