A great community

Our students live in states throughout the country, but they all found the right learning path in our online school.And form a solidarity community that joins online and in the real world. 


All ways in which online students come together 

Connecting with other students at school and in the community is a large part of what makes academy+ so enriching.Your child will love all the opportunities you have to make new friends and explore your passions.

In addition to meeting with their fellow students in videoclasses and collaborating with them in school projects, their child can join many other activities.Our virtual clubs for students give your child the opportunity to meet with students with similar interests.When available, virtual excursions gather students to enjoy excellent learning experiences.And the most flexible schedule gives your child time to practice sports, devote yourself to art, volunteer or do anything else enjoying in your community. 

Virtual excursions

Live the story from the place of the facts, but in comfort and safety of your home.

He undertakes a virtual tour of the most prominent places on our planet in charge of a certified guide and ask him live and direct questions.

Discover what wonders and secrets hides the Roman coliseum, dazzle with the works of art of the Vatican or travel the streets of the old city of Jerusalem among many other places more!

Live broadcasts

Certified guides

Virtual Activities and Clubs

Much to get excited

What loves your child?Create video games?Write poetry? Play chess?Maybe they want to learn to draw.Or participate in a robotics experiment.Whatever your passion, any new interest you want to explore, you are likely to find an online club that feels made for them.

Through our clubs and extracurricular subjects, your child can develop the skills you are learning in class while making new friends and gains social confidence. Clubs are a wonderful way for your child to learn, grow and enjoy school even more.

See example classes
Virtual graduation

We guarantee that you can celebrate as a family

The high school graduation is a very important fact.And, in academy+, we give him all the space he deserves.

When your child graduated from our online high school, you will meet with you and the rest of your family for a graduation ceremony.The birretes, the togas and the diplomas are part of the day and provide their child with the recognition that has been won before moving on to his next adventure, prepared to conquer the world. 
