Parents are learning partners 

As a father or caregiver, he wants to be there for his son.When you register them in academy+, you will be. See how to be by your side today will help you get tomorrow.

The part you assume

Assuming the role of learning coach 

Does a father have to be present for online school courses?This is what we have learned throughout our years of providing an online school for children like yours: although it does not always have to be in the room, you must monitor your child's daily learning and make sure they understand and complete their lessons. And he will do it as the learning coach of his son.

As a learning coach, you will have the best of two worlds.You can give your child a level of support and guidance that no one else can, and you can see it learn, progress and succeed.It is a role for which it will feel destined.

What to expect from school online 

Helping your child to succeed 

You know what your child needs.What excites them.What challenges them.What do they dream when they imagine their future.As your learning coach, you will be by your side, associating with our teachers and personnel to help your child become the person who knows it can be.

What should you expect?Learning instructors are responsible for structuring their children's school day, a task that is simplified with our online programming tool.You will also control assistance, you will keep in touch with teachers by phone or email and provide personalized support with learning activities.However, the details of their function will change as your child grows and wins more independence.Choose your child's degree level for more information.

Your role in online primary school

For children of academy+ in degrees K-5, learning instructors play an important role in daily learning. You must wait:

  1. program your child's day with school activities and breaks.
  2. Spend about 5 hours a day to supervise school work.
  3. take a hand with the school lessons online and communicate regularly with your child's teacher
  4. Help make sure your child understands his lessons and progress
  5. Celebrate their achievements and encourage them to move on

Your role in online high school 

For children of academy+ in degrees 6-8, learning instructors step back.As in most intermediate schools, your child will work with teachers of specific subjects as they acquire independence together with knowledge.As your learning coach, you must: 

  1. Go from 2 to 3 hours a day supervising school work.
  2. Look a hand with some lessons.
  3. Verify that your child understands what you are learning and keep your qualifications high.
  4. Contact one by one with the teachers on a regular basis.
  5. Connect your child with your teacher when necessary.
School for parents

Together we can more

A space created by Academy from the clear conviction that together we achieve more in the accompaniment and education of our children and students. Through different workshops and spaces we will be strengthening to be comprehensive guides prepared to respond to the demands of today's world raising.

We also have training sessions in digital competitions, yoga, kitchen, crafts and the English school for parents.


We offer full guidance

Being a learning coach is an incredible opportunity.To help you make the most of it and ensure that you can help your child succeed, we offer many resources and support.This includes:

  1. Online orientation program presented by the role of learning advisor and provides advice on how to offer adequate support for your child.
  2. Access 24 hours, 7 days a week to our online resources library, where you will find a wide range of resources designed to guide it forward.
  3. academy+Technical Assistance, which will help you solve computer -related problems.
  4. Simple ways of connecting virtually with teachers and our staff whenever you have a question or need additional support.
  5. School for parents where you can join other parents of academy+ and share advice and suggestions.

Being a learning coach, you can be there for your child when you need it most.And we will be there with you, helping you on the way.

Access the Resource Library