Live an experience where you will find innovative
learning spaces with a steam approach (Science, Technology, Engineering,
Arts, Mathematics) based on the solution of practical problems of the environment in a
multidimensional way.
Through the CLIL methodology (Integrated Language and
Content Learning), you can gain academic skills to face knowledge in English and Spanish,
endorsed by the Northwest Technology Center.
Like Bachelor academy+ I am sensitive to different realities
thanks to multidimensional formation in different areas of knowledge, which develop my
scientific, mathematical, creative and global thinking.I value myself from a critical and
complex thought that allows me to assume and defend my positions.I am aware of myself and I
recognize myself as an integral being with skills for the practical solution of problems and
to generate strategies and innovations that can contribute to improve our community and our
environment from various disciplines and specializations that contribute to my academic life
and my decisionprofessional.
Complete your high school in a total of 6 semesters
(3 years), which will form you in different areas for academic and professional life. with
areas of specialization in administration, business, marketing and advertising,
design and technology, humanities, Experimental Sciences , among other options
to choose your deepening area.
Through the active learning approach you will
participate in your own learning process through the development of knowledge and
understanding, approaching a multidimensionalism oriented to the development of the
critical thinking and the complex thinking .You will be
immersed in inquiry and research strategies such as pedaging practices inside and outside
the classroom, beyond traditional teaching.All this, mediated by divergent pedagogies to
help you strengthen your different learning styles so that you acquire and develop knowledge
and skills in different areas of knowledge.
Start your high school and select your specialization areas.
Advance in your high school and deepen the specialization chosen.
You culminates your high school with interesting practices in your specialization area.
Each cycle is made up of 2 semesters.
Emerged in the USA, Steam
Education —Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics (Science, Technology,
Engineering, Art and Mathematics) - is a pedagogical approach that points to problem
The model promotes the
independence of students to make the classroom a learning community.It is inspired by the
collaborative work that characterizes science and engineering.
The Steam model is a way of
learning based on solving problems, asking questions and looking for new answers.Thus, he
raises a challenge in how to offer learning.It is not a list of resources or technological
Our curriculum is created by specialists for young people of the new generations: digital natives.
Area | Subject | Semester 1 Hours per week |
Semester 1 Credits |
Semester 2 Hours per week |
Semester 2 Credits |
Math | Mathematical Thinking | 3 | 6 | 3 | 6 |
Social Sciences | Global thinking and research | 2 | 4 | 2 | 4 |
Sciences | biology | 1 | 2 | 1 | 2 |
Sciences | Física | 1 | 2 | 1 | 2 |
Sciences | Chemical | 1 | 2 | 1 | 2 |
Sciences | Sciences combinadas | 1 | 2 | 1 | 2 |
Communication and languages | Oral and written expression | 3 | 6 | 3 | 6 |
Communication and languages | English | 3 | 6 | 3 | 6 |
Humanities | Society and culture | 2 | 4 | 2 | 4 |
Technology | Coding | 1 | 2 | 1 | 2 |
STEAM (Area of specialization) | Introduction to administration | 2 | 4 | 2 | 4 |
STEAM (Area of specialization) | introduction to Business Studies | 2 | 4 | 2 | 4 |
STEAM (Area of specialization) | Introduction to Marketing and publicity | 2 | 4 | 2 | 4 |
STEAM (Area of specialization) | Introduction to Human formation | 2 | 4 | 2 | 4 |
STEAM (Area of specialization) | Introduction to Government and civilization | 2 | 4 | 2 | 4 |
STEAM (Area of specialization) | Introduction to Design and Technology | 2 | 4 | 2 | 4 |
STEAM (Area of specialization) | Introduction to Science and its environment | 2 | 4 | 2 | 4 |
The following specialties are
presented to students by the holders of each of the subjects during week #1 of the school
year and then being chosen by students during week #2 with knowledge of their objective and
Each student will take one of
these specialties to be studied during the first semester of the cycle and then select a
second specialty to study during the second semester of the cycle.In this way, students will
explore the different specialties in which they will deepen in year 2 (11th) and year 3 (12
°). This means that this first year (10 °) is of exploration and knowledge of theAreas of
Expertise for the following years of high school.
Introduce students into the basis of knowledge of administrative discipline and the observation of organizational reality in companies in order to appropriate theoretical concepts;as well as, through empirical work visualize the complexity of the world of administration.
Develop students understanding in business activities in different sectors: public and private, as well as the importance of innovation and change.Students approach the discovery of how the main types of business organizations are established and managed and how their activities are regulated.
This subject will have an English component that includes part of the literature of specialization and part of the class instruction.
The advertising chapter will allow the student to know, analyze, design and
identify the use of advertising as a commercial communication technique to
promote the consumption of a product or service through mass media and/or
El segundo capítulo, Marketing, introduce al estudiante en el conocimiento de
estrategias de mercado, de ventas, estudio y posicionamiento de la marca en
determinados mercados.
This introduction is to enter the conceptual basis about human formation and the
elements that integrate it and the influence of psychological, social, cultural
and environmental factors in the quality of life, coexistence and mental health
from the systemic perspective andthe generation of social awareness and
relationship between the individual, communities and society in general.
This introduction seeks to know and identify with the basic and determining
principles of the forms of government that societies have built throughout
history, because it is in them where the various forms of governance and
governance reside between the representative bodies of the power that make up
theState and citizens.From this conception, the importance of building
consciousness between the citizens of the Constituent Power, its alternatives
and ways in which structural changes in the economy, politics and culture that
prevail in the present of society can be made.
It allows students to identify, consider and solve problems through creative
thinking, planning, design and work with different means, materials and tools to
produce a product made.
Students acquire technical and design knowledge bases by developing skills such
as initiative, ingenuity, inquiry and ingenuity.Central communication skills are
also worked for the design process. It involves a wide range of interests,
materials and resources.It provides an ideal basis for later cycles and equips
students with technical knowledge and practical design and manufacturing skills
for a future work world in the field.
This introduction allows students to acquire an understanding of the basic
principles of different sciences through a combination of theoretical and
practical studies, while developing an understanding of essential scientific
skills for studies in subsequent cycles.
will learn basis of how science is studied and practices, and will become aware
that the results that scientific research can have both positive and negative
effects on people, communities and the environment. In addition to focusing
onIndividual sciences, this area helps students to understand the technological
world in which they live and to be interested in scientific science and
Our students have changed radically.Today's students They are no longer the type of people for whom our educational system was designed.
In the afternoon, enjoy, have fun and learn with a wide range of activities at your disposal.
Connect with paintings and colors.It develops and stimulates the creativity of children through this wonderful art.
Prepare delicious dishes with fun recipes, safe for children, explained step by step.
It consists of guided games where participants assume different roles to promote thought and integration.
Learn to recognize and manipulate the basic forms that allow to easily and simply understand the components of an object.
Do you like music? Learn to mix fun, discover different techniques and record your own sets.
Practicing guitar has great benefits for children.Exercise your memory, improve your behavior and increase self -esteem.
Initiate in the world of graphic design learning to use vector -layout programs and pixels management.
Learn about magic and stage techniques.Discover manipulation, cartomagia, mentalism, close up, etc.p>
It provides physical and emotional benefits.Develop concentration, patience and perseverance.
Know the different instruments that form this family, how to use them and discover different rhythms.
It develops logical thinking through programming structures, enhances critical thinking and leadership skills.
Discover many other extracurricular subjects and courses to see live.
The Patio del Rereo is a virtual space designed to promote students' social skills.
Students can enter and participate voluntarily and interact with children of all grades, as in a face -to -face class school.
He undertakes a virtual tour of the most prominent places on our planet in charge of a
certified guide and ask him questions live and direct.
Discover what wonders and secrets hides the Roman coliseum, dazzle with the works of art of
the Vatican or travel the streets of the old city of Jerusalem among many other places
Live broadcasts
Certified guides
academy+ It is
a 100% online primary school and secondary for Mexico and Latin America with certificates
from the United States, notarized for revalidation before the SEP.