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academy+ is a 100% online school for Latin America.

We offer primary, secondary and preparatory school*.Also, we have Academy Stem, a 100% School of Courses on Robotics, Aviation and Video Games Programming. includes full access to 5 users, being able to connect from any device at the same time.

Sí. academy+ está acreditada por West River Academy y California Department of Education  We offer accreditation and certification, evaluation, professional learning and improvement services to institutions and other education suppliers around the world.Many of the academy+ schools are also accredited by one or more of the six regional accreditation organizations for higher education institutions recognized by the Higher Education Accreditation Council and the United States Department of Education

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Yeah.We are a private satellite school in California (PSP) and we present an affidavit before the California Department of Education every year.

He is invited to register with us from any country in Latin America.Also, you can travel from one country to another and be covered by academy+ and West River Academy to show a registration voucher in a school.We have representatives in many countries that can help you better understand what we offer and local legal requirements and issues

Our school is accredited in the United States with the following revalidation code:

Code CDS: 30 66464 6134720

See more about our accreditation

Yes, the notarized certificate and shipping to your home are included in the curriculum.

  1. Birth certificate
  2. CURP or student passport
  3. CURP or Tutor Passport
  4. Ballow of the last grade studied
  5. School type photo (digital)
  6. Proof of address

We are a school with a structured transition project to bilingualism.We have a time intensity of 4 hours per week for primary school increasing until we reach 6 hours in high school, adding to this subjects carried out with part of its instruction in English such as aviation, robotics, digital art, among others.In addition, we have incorporated 1 time weekly preparation for international tests for 3 high school students.

Our communicative methodology also promotes in students the development of practice skills in a language with a more significant and applicable makes an integration of content through CLIL in its Spanish translation Integrated learning of foreign content and languages.Methodology based on the learning of foreign languages ​​through the teaching of common subjects such as natural sciences, history, mathematics among others through transverse and inclusive projects.

Additionally we offer the English conversation club Speaking English as a Pro, led by native teacher as a complementary strategy that support the high levels of competition in the second language of students of the institution.

Yes, students must attend classes, if they need not to attend, they can see the class recorded in the content center of their classroom.

The qualifications are based on projects, deliveries of research and activities.We do not take exams as one knows them normally.We know that the results would not be fair for students and teachers, therefore, class participation and the projects they carry out is the best way to evaluate them.

Of course.If our work is to educate and we have as a mission to create a positive impact on the world, putting students as active protagonists of that change, we must provide the necessary tools so that this teaching-learning process happens in the best way.This is a commitment that we want to assume with the responsibility that characterizes us and therefore we consider the need for the creation of this department. 

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It is a space created by Academy since the clear conviction that together we achieve more in the accompaniment and education of our children and students.Through different workshops and spaces we will be strengthening to be comprehensive guides prepared to respond to the demands of today's world raising.We will also have training sessions in digital competitions, yoga, kitchen, crafts and the English school for parents.

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Yeah!The English school is available at the School for parents academy+

No. While academy+ students can learn from home, we are not a Paragua education is an in line with a defined set of curricular materials that have been specifically aligned with the local standards of each country in Latin America.Our certified teachers evaluate students' performance, including decisions related to the promotion of degree level.All academy+ students must take standardized exams responsible before the students' regulatory authorities

West River Academy has a good history that transcription is accepted in public and private universities in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Mexico, Colombia, Ecuador, Chile and Argentina.

We are accredited by the National Association for the Legal Support of Alternative Schools (Nalsas), an organization that accredits alternative schools in the United States.
