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6 solutions to common challenges of distance education 

Parents and teachers around the world are helping their students navigate for another year of distance learning.Whether you are following an education at home, an online school, a learning module or other combined education model, best practices for teachers (and parents who became teachers) fortunately remain the same when they are whenTry to teach online classes.

Here are six solutions to the common challenges of distance learning for both teachers and parents:

Challenge No. 1: Existing lessons plans are not easily translated into distance learning

It is likely that experienced teachers have a variety of lessons plans designed for learning in person, but they may not know how to teach them online.Protocols and assignments in proven person can be adapted for distance learning by dividing them into a combination of Livesson® sessions, active learning and other assignments.It is not necessary to dedicate the entire school day to video calls or Livesson sessions.Consider placing students in smaller groups for a project or making them work before the Livesson session.This allows them to ask questions to ensure that they understand the concepts that arise.And be creative!Update your lessons plan to make the most of distance learning.Secondary students can take advantage of the Virtual Educational Reality and learn biology through the World of Cells application, created by Pearson Education.

Challenge No. 3: meet students while teaching online classes

One of the most important questions we hear from teachers is about how to build a class community without gathering in person.Things how to correctly pronounce the name of a student and know their interests promote a sense of belonging with distance learning.Teachers are thinking outside the box and use virtual activities to break the ice at the beginning of each class to help students feel comfortable participating in class discussions.Some are creating custom avatars (it opens in a new tab), such as Bitmoji, for the entire class, adding a fun visual element and allowing students to show their personality. 

Challenge No. 4: Find the most effective technology for distance learning

In online classes, opportunities to integrate technology are almost infinite.Innovative educators take advantage of technology such as virtual boards, discussion forums, interactive notebooks, surveys and videos to teach their curriculum and communicate with students.Technology should always be appropriate for the level of degree and it is important to give students time to learn new tools.In academy+, we use campuus ®.Younger students only go from 15 to 30 percent of their time on the computer, while high school students spend more time in it.

Challenge No. 5: some students lose interest quickly

It is essential to establish realistic expectations about the duration of online lessons.In virtual classrooms, planning shorter lessons helps students stay concentrated and allows them to take breaks when they need them.To maintain students' attention, especially during Livesson sessions, teachers can foster participation through surveys, chat functions, make the class make a virtual trip to the moon and even convert lessons into games by giving points of participation.By signing participation, a conference becomes a fun and attractive learning activity. 

Challenge No. 6: students have different learning styles

One of the benefits of online learning is that it gives teachers the opportunity to provide additional support to students who need it.To improve learning results, academy+ teachers take advantage of the individual time for students who need more help.Teachers can use private surveys or qualifications to identify students who can benefit from alternative allocations or additional explanations of key concepts.Some students may need visual aid or slides to follow during a Livesson session, while others can benefit from a worksheet to complete.Take the time to improve learning methods is worthwhile, especially with distance education.

As teachers and parents continue to adapt during the 2020-2021 school year and beyond, we will continue to share the best practices and ideas for combined and online learning, in any model you have chosen. we are in this together.
