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5 errors that you should avoid when you set up your learning environment 

Whether you’re new to online learning or have been immersed through your child’s enrollment in academy+, chances are you’ve got everything set up for your child’s learning environment. But is it optimal for his or her learning style? Have you thought of ways to mix it up and make it fun? Below are five common mistakes to avoid when setting up your child’s learning environment:

1. No breaks

You have dominated the daily schedule of class, but make sure you have programmed it in time for mental breaks.All students need to revitalize their brains here and there.In fact, 80 percent of academy+ families incorporate breaks into their weekly schedules, since it has demonstrated its effectiveness for virtual school students.Some ideas include playing a board game, walking or doing some quick exercises.Whatever, even space the day can cause the workload to seem less overwhelming.

2.Not having all the supplies close

Notebooks, pens, folders: Everything of the day must be close.This reduces the possibilities of interruptions when the sudden need of adhesive tape, a highlights or art materials arises.The preview of the lessons in advance can also help you stay at the forefront when less common supplies are required.

3. Do not use different areas for different topics.

move your art lesson to a different desk to allow more creativity and space for art materials.Or have a music session in a different room to help divide the math class of the last hour.Do what you do, it is great to combine it to help your child adapt to different learning environments.If the weather is pleasant, science and geography could be more an outdoor first -hand experience, or perhaps a visit to a virtual museum based on today's history lesson could create an enrichment of additional learning.It's good to move things!

4.Do not customize it for your student

Depending on your child's learning style, you may want to optimize the learning space based on your strengths.Whether to have maps nearby, leave space for you to read aloud along with your student or perhaps play the capture of multiplications outside to keep it updated, all are excellent factors to consider when configuring your child's learning environment.And feel free to include their colors, books and other favorite articles to adapt the space to the interests of your child.

5.Technology that does not connect or does not work well

The space for your computer, a printer, headphones and possibly a webcam is essential for a successful learning environment, especially with the teachers and lessons of Connections Academy.Try your Internet connection to guarantee minimal interruptions and make sure there are many points of sale for additional technological needs are good practices that you should take into account as your child advances throughout the school year.

Now that your child's learning environment is configured, see these online sample school schedules to help your child make the most of their day.
